Creating a Stylized Prop in Unreal Engine

Q&A with Game Art Program Student Ashlyn Barwick

ashlyn barwick capstoneportfolio1update

Ashlyn’s Term I Project: Stylized Treasure Chest

1. Please introduce yourself. What companies have you worked for? Did you have any 3D experience before enrolling in the Game Art Program?

My name is Ashlyn Barwick. I am a recent new media and animation graduate from Southeastern Louisiana University (where I got my BA), and I completed a three-month internship at IdealWeb4U as an environment artist.

I had three to four years of Maya experience before Vertex and almost one year of experience in Unreal Engine (self-taught).

2. Why did you decide to join Vertex? What skills did you want to level up?

I saw a Vertex School ad on Instagram, and from there I started researching the institution!

I joined Vertex School because I wanted to further my knowledge and skills in the 3D world. College only taught me the basics, which is not bad, but I knew there was so much more to learn if I wanted to get to the professional level. I knew I needed more instruction and help if I wanted to reach my goal of being a 3D environment artist.

In regards to skills that I wanted to level up… I wanted to improve my UV wrapping, texturing, and detailing skills. I already had the general knowledge on how to model meshes, but the detailing beyond that, the things that MAKE the model look like what it is supposed to… that is what I wanted to learn on a deeper level.

Stylized Prop in Unreal Engine

3. What is the name of your project? What term did you make it in? Who were your mentors?

My Term I capstone project is named Stylized Treasure Chest. Mentors: Lena Piech (main mentor), Paul, and Andrew.

4. How did you start working on this project? What concept did you use?

I started by windling down my prop concept from seven ideas to one, the chest. From there, I researched different types of stylized chests, since that was the style I wanted to use. I also looked at games I knew would have stylized chests in them: Sea of Thieves, WoW, etc.

From there I started creating a mood board full of stylized chests that were in different shapes, sizes, colors, and had different types of detail work. I did not want to copy someone else’s design, so I ended up “frankensteining” multiple aspects of different models together into one. I created my own version of a stylized chest!

5. How did your mentor help you with this project? What advice was most helpful from your mentor?

My mentors provided informative, critical feedback each week during both class time and in the labs. They pointed out things that were working and things that weren’t, as well as provided tips for how to execute certain techniques.

If there were problems that required a more hands-on approach, they would go into the software and show me how to solve the issue(s) and what could be causing it. The most beneficial pieces of advice were spending on curves/saving on straights, how to decimate and reduce my mesh, and how to make the texture more stylized (less realistic).

Stylized Prop in Unreal Engine Ashlyn Barwick

6. What was most and/or least challenging about this project?

The most challenging part of the project would be matching up the low poly and high poly models (and floaters) so that the bake is clean. It was a lot of back and forth, which sometimes got frustrating, but was worth it in the end!

The least challenging part would be the high poly detailing. Once I got the hang of Zbrush, it was pretty easy going in and creating carves, dents, and other types of damage in the chest.

7. Are you satisfied with this project? Are you surprised that you were able to create this?

Yes, I am extremely satisfied with this project considering I never used Zbrush or Substance Painter before it. I had also never used Maya to the extent that I did with this project. I am very surprised with what I was able to create and achieve!

8. How would you describe your Vertex experience in general so far?

Vertex was definitely the correct move! It has such a vast and informative curriculum that it almost appalls me how unprepared college made me for the industry. It has been such a great decision for me and for my future career opportunities! I have made extreme amounts of progress in only a couple of months… I barely recognize my work from before attending Vertex!

Student Links

Ashlyn’s ArtStation Project – Stylized Prop in Unreal Engine

Ashlyn’s LinkedIn

Do you want to learn how to create a stylized prop in Unreal Engine? Learn more about the Vertex School program enrollment process below.

Vertex School Program Enrollment Process

1. Submit our quick and easy application

Submit your application here.

2. Schedule your interview with an admissions officer

Once you’ve submitted your application you will be prompted to schedule an interview call with one of our admissions officers.

The interview is a call to help determine if a program is the right fit for you at this time in your life.

During the call, you will go over your goals and experience, discuss financial options, and get any of your outstanding questions answered.

3. Receive your program acceptance email

Within two business days of your interview call, you will receive an email notifying you if you’ve been accepted to a program.

4. Submit payment

In your program acceptance e-mail, you will be given various payment options

5. Receive your credentials and get ready to start your program!

Once you’ve submitted payment you will receive credentials to access your program account!

Game Art Program

Game Development Program

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