The video game industry generated $155 billion in revenue in 2020, according to Investopedia. With analysts predicting that the industry will continue to grow within the next few years, there will be an increase in need for professionals in the game design process. There’s just one problem: 


Many people can’t or don’t wish to attend college. 

Traditionally, you may have been told that to be successful in your desired career field, you’ll need to go to college. This usually involves hefty student loans and dedicating 2, 4, 6, or even 8 years of your life to your education. 

The truth is that thanks to technology today, you can become one of the top professionals in many industries without the barrier to entry of money or time. With game art online courses, you can learn the essential skills for any part of the design process. Here is an overview of different skills that you can learn, the best animation schools to attend, and more. 


Are Courses REALLY the Future of Education? 

The E-Learning Market, also known as online education, is an ever-growing industry that is expected to grow by more than 20% by the year 2028. Most people believe that online courses and other formats of digital education really are the future. 

The need for a college degree to enter a well-paying career is becoming less common, and it’s more about the skill sets that you have. The reason that courses truly are the future of education (for many fields of occupation) is because they have a much lower barrier to entry. 

With an online course, you’ll have the benefits of: 

  • Accessibility 
  • Affordability 
  • Less time restraints 
  • + More!


Online education allows you to access some of the world’s best teachers from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you have an internet connection. Not only are courses accessible for a physical location standpoint, but you also have access to learning almost any skill, as well. 

Without the restraints that come with learning in a physical location, many courses are also more moderately priced. This also makes an education more accessible to a wider demographic. Along with the pros mentioned above for this college alternative, you can also include the benefit of learning the exact skills you need for the profession in a shorter time frame than a traditional college schedule. 


What You Can Learn with Game Art Online Courses

If you’re interested in choosing the alternative to a traditional college education, then the sky is truly the limit with game art online courses. You can learn basically any skill that you’ll need within the video game design profession from anywhere that you’d like. 

There are different aspects of video game design that you can choose to learn about. Some of the most common courses that are taken are in the areas of basic human anatomy and character design, environment design, different types of armor and outerwear design, facial sculpting, video game lighting, 3D character rigging, and more.  

The great thing about the accessibility of online courses is that you have so many options available at your fingertips. When you can learn just about anything so easily, how do you decide on where to start? Here’s a brief overview of getting started on your video game design education. 


Getting Started with Online Education 

The first step with getting started on your education is typically choosing a field to specialize in within the video game design industry. The different types of courses mentioned above truly just scratch the surface of what you can learn, so you’ll want to choose a more specific area of interest. 

The next step will be finding a school that offers courses related to your desired field and beginning to learn. A great school will have courses available for complete beginners, and even some for intermediate and advanced artists. 

During these courses, you should begin creating game art that you can utilize for your portfolio. Your portfolio will be a collection of samples of your creations that you can show to future employers in the hiring process. You can also begin to market yourself on social media, and your instructor will help you prepare for entering the profession. 

Now, these steps are great for those who already know which area that they’d like to specialize in. If you don’t know yet, that is perfectly fine! For you, the next step would likely be to speak to one of the instructors at a school who can help guide you in the right direction. 

It would be best to enroll in a school that has professionals within every aspect of the industry. This would allow you to speak with different types of artists and help you determine which one is right for you. So, where do you find these types of schools? 


The Best Online Animation Schools 

For any aspiring artist, one of the best online animation schools available is Vertex School. Vertex School is one of the top available college alternatives for video game design, animation, and film available today. With almost 20 courses available (and counting), you can learn anything within the video game design process from start to finish. 

Each course is taught by one of the top-rated professionals within the industry worldwide. Vertex School has been deemed one of the best 3D animation schools because each course is broken down into easy-to-understand modules, and Teacher’s Assistants are available to answer your questions every step of the way. 



Vertex School not only makes learning incredibly easy, but also is an affordable and accessible option to higher-level education for everyone. If you’d like to learn more about available education options or speak with a teacher to find the right course for you, then be sure to visit Vertex School today.